10 Tasks Specific Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions

Safety precautions are safe actions taken to prevent accident and injury. Some quarters may refer to it as safety tips, it still represents the same thing.

Though there is what most people call “General safety precautions“; all precautions are task/job specific. What we mostly calls general safety precaution is a set of precautionary measures that tries to highlight simple safety tips to guide mostly routine activities, but they still cover different activities.

There are safety precautions necessary for all task/jobs; this is why we have safety precautionary measures that should be adopted while driving, swimming, sailing, cutting, carrying out electrical repairs, carrying out oxy-acetylene welding, working at height, working in a confine space, use of compressed gas, lifting, etc.


This article aims to highlight some sets of safety precaution for different tasks.


HSEWatch has previously publish some precautions on different task; what will be done in this article is to give an overview on each job safety precautionary measures and link back to the full article.

Get ready for a well packed information.

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10 Tasks Specific Safety Precautions


1. Safety precautions for the use of gas cylinders

Gas cylinders contains compressed gas. Certain specific properties of compressed gases make them highly useful in various research activities. Compressed gases can be very dangerous if not handled in an appropriate manner. Accidents involving gas cylinders can cause serious injury or even death.

2. Hot Work Safety Precautions

A typical hot job being carried out every day in our different work-sites is welding work. It has its inherent hazards which should be managed to prevent accident.

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3. Demolition Safety precautions

Due to the numerous risk involved with demolition activity, it is always advisable for proper risk assessment to be carried out before the commencement of the job. This risk assessment will help identify potential hazards and analyze what could happen if a hazard occurs. Some of the risk involve in demolition process are: Fall from height, falling objects, uncontrolled collapse, connected services, exposure to hazardous materials, traffic issues, noise, vibration, fire & explosion, etc.

4. Bitumen paint safety precautions

Bitumen paint may cause lung damage if swallowed, repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking and inhaled vapor may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

5. Laser Safety Precautions

Laser safety enhances the safe use of laser device in order to prevent or minimize the hazards which accompanies the laser device. It is understood that even a small amount of laser can result to permanent eye injury and to a lesser extent the skin base on the class.

6. Construction Safety Precautions

Construction safety involves all the safety plan, procedures, precaution, and guidelines necessary for ensuring safe completion of all the individual tasks which makes up the construction job. Construction job is a hazardous land based job with potential risks including; Falls, trenches, musculoskeletal injury, electric shock, different forms of cuts, spills, explosion, respiratory disorders, skin disorders, etc. The construction industry accounts for one of the highest fatality rate among all other industries.

7. Radiation safety precautions

This topic “Radiation safety precautions” aims at highlighting the hazards associated with exposure to radiation (Specifically – Ionizing radiation), and also enumerates important safety precautions to stay safe when working around or within the radiation zone.

READ ALSO  15 Important Hot Work Safety Precautions

8. Table saw safety precautions

Table saw safety precautions should be adopted any time the machine is used. As other machines, it makes the job easier and faster, but if not used properly, the table saw can be very dangerous.

9. Extension lead safety precautions

Extension lead safety precaution is important if you must use it safely. The extension lead is a length of flexible electrical power cable with a plug on one end and one or more sockets.

Poor use of extension lead can pose hazards/risk of:

  • Trip and fall
  • Electric shock/Electrocution
  • Fire breakout

10. Oxy-Acetylene welding/cutting safety precautions

Oxy-Acetylene welding/cutting is also called Oxy-fuel welding/cutting. It is a process that uses oxygen and fuel gases to weld and cut steel or metallic components. In this type of welding acetylene gas and oxygen are mixed in a torch so as to attain the high temperatures that are required for the welding process.

This process like any other process have risk which should be managed.


Above are some specific safety precautionary measures for some task. The list is not exhaustive as there are precautions for every task.


Further Reading