Health Effects Of Bitumen Paint Exposure And Safety Precautions

Health Effects Of Bitumen Paint Exposure And Safety Precautions

Bitumen Paint is a black paint use as a protective covering on iron, concrete, steel work, cement renderings, brick, stone etc.

Though it has a good use, it is not without inherent hazards. The TWA of bitumen vapor is 5mg/m3.

Bitumen paint may cause lung damage if swallowed, repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking and inhaled vapor may cause drowsiness and dizziness.


Health Effects Of Bitumen Paint Exposure And Safety Precautions

Organ based effect of bitumen vapor

GIT: Ingestion of material may cause gastrointestinal disturbance, including irritation, nausea and vomiting.

Eye exposure: Direct eye contact may cause irritation and/or corneal changes.

Contact with skin: Contact with skin may result in skin reactions.

Inhalation: Inhalation of vapours may cause headaches and/or dizziness.

Overexposure to vapour may result in respiratory tract irritation.

Overexposure to high vapour concentration may cause irregular breathing, collapse and coma.


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Usage Precautions

  • Avoid spilling. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • Use only with adequate ventilation.
  • Do not breathe vapour or mist.
  • Keep away from heat, sparks or flame.
  • Containers and equipment must be bonded to avoid static discharge.
  • Use only electrical equipment suitable for explosive atmospheres.

Recommended PPE

Respirators: In poorly ventilated areas, a respirator suitable for organic vapours should be used. Air supplied respirators should be used in areas with inadequate oxygen and high vapour concentrations.

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Hand gloves: PVC gloves should be used when handling material.

Safety goggle: Use close fitting chemical safety goggles, otherwise use safety glasses fitted with side shields. If splashing is possible use a face shield over safety glasses as added protection.

Safety clothing: Wear industrial-type work clothing and safety footwear.


Now the question?

Does nose mask proffer any protective covering against bitumen paint vapour inhalation? Input will be appreciated.

