Risk Assessment Example; Simple to Use Templates

Risk Assessment Example

In the article “Risk Assessment Example “, we will see typical risk assessment for different working areas as designed by The Health and Safety Executives.

Risk assessment is a risk management process that involves identifying potential hazards and analyzing what could happen if the hazard results in an accident.

Risk assessment is also defined as the determination of a quantitative or qualitative estimate of risk related to a well-defined situation and a recognized threat hazard.

What A Good Risk Assessment Should Contain

1. Hazards Identification

The first thing a risk assessment example should cover is the identification of hazards. It should set the direction for you to determine the possible threats your employees or business is exposed to.

Ideally, you should survey your property and spot potential vulnerabilities when implementing risk assessment. Your risk assessment might also indicate surveys meant to investigate what your employees have to say about the work environment.

2. Investigation of the hazards

A risk assessment should engineer the detailed investigation of each identified hazard. You need to be clear about who is affected by the threats and your risk assessment example should indicate the most appropriate way of managing the risk.

The ideal risk assessment should take into consideration particular requirements of your select few employees such as pregnant women or people with other disabilities.

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3. Quantification of risk and risk mitigation plans

A risk assessment should not only identify risks but also include the design of a set of actions meant to mitigate the spotted risks. It should take into consideration the laws and regulations of your local authority. You can of course do the above yourself but the most efficient way is to get a risk assessment example from a reputable source.

4. Recording the risk assessment

A risk assessment should also include the techniques of recording the results of your risk assessment. Although that is a mere writing exercise, you can’t afford to do so lightly. A standard risk assessment example is essential.

The risk assessment example should encourage the sharing of the risk assessment results with your staff. If you have 5 employees or less, you might not be required to keep a record of your risk assessment. A risk assessment example should keep things simple.

5. Updates

An adequate risk assessment example should encourage regular updates of your risk assessment. Physical conditions at the workplace change, sometimes without much notice. Regular updates of your risk assessment provide you with a reliable review of your business, whether you are improving or taking steps backward.

Risk Assessment Examples by Health and Safety Executives

Do not just copy an example and put your company name to it as that would not satisfy the law and would not protect your employees. You must think about the specific hazards and controls your business needs.

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NOTE: A risk assessment is only effective if you and your staff act on it. You must follow through with any actions required and review them regularly.

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