What To Do After An Accident At Work

What To Do After An Accident At Work

Have you had an accident at work? Not sure what to do next? Here we detail the process following an accident in the workplace and what steps you should take – “What To Do After An Accident At Work“.

Suffering an accident in the workplace can be a stressful time. You may be worried about your ability to work, reactions from your employer and colleagues, or even if it will impact your future career prospects. 

Rest assured, accidents in the workplace can happen to anyone and employers should have processes in place to support you through every step of the journey.

So, what should your next steps be?

What To Do After An Accident At Work

Assess the immediate situation

If you’re reading this soon enough after events have unfolded, you may be wondering what to do straight away.

First of all, assess yourself and determine if you are in need of any medical attention or support. Also, ensure that your surroundings aren’t going to cause you any more harm.

Report the accident to your employer 

It is a legal requirement to report accidents to your employer because they also need to report the accident through RIDDOR. This process helps to assess the prevalence of accidents across different workplaces and provides information on serious incidents that may require further investigation.

READ ALSO  13 Most Common Types of Accidents in the Workplace

Your employer should have a dedicated point of contact for accidents or injuries in the workplace, and they should provide you with medical assistance if required. Noting key details such as time, location and witnesses is key here.

READ: How To Report Accident At Work Properly

Collect evidence and document the incident

Your employer will need to document the events that transpired for their own records, but you should collect any evidence that you need to.

Leave no detail out in accident reports because they could be crucial in placing liability for the injuries you suffered. CCTV footage is always useful but can be tricky to capture in workplaces.

Determining liability

Once the events have been reported and documented, your employer may see fit to give you compensation if they accept responsibility for your accident and any injuries. For example, this could be because of unsafe working conditions or faulty equipment. They are legally required to pay sick pay and give you time off, should you need it.

If your employer doesn’t accept the blame for the accident and you’re now suffering because of it, you may be tempted to explore legal cases against your employer. Personal injury or brain injury claims can help you to gain compensation if your livelihood has suffered as a consequence.

READ: I Had An Accident At Work What Are My Rights?


Getting better after your accident should be a main priority because nothing is more important than your health. Take time away from work if you need it and ease back into your routine when you feel ready to do so. Your employer should be willing to assist in the reintegration process, regardless of where the fault lies.