25 Very Important Road Safety Tips – Check Out

Road Safety Tips

Road safety tips are safety information needed to stay safe on the road. This tips are for drivers, pedestrian and the general public.

Road Traffic Injuries Statistics

According to WHO (World Health Organization); Road traffic crashes result in the deaths of approximately 1.19 million people around the world each year and leave between 20 and 50 million people with non-fatal injuries. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.

Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29. Yet two thirds of road traffic fatalities occur among people of working age (18–59 years). Nine in 10 fatalities on the roads occur in low- and middle-income countries, even though these countries have around 60% of the world’s vehicles.

In addition to the human suffering caused by road traffic injuries, they also incur a heavy economic burden on victims and their families, both through treatment costs for the injured and through loss of productivity of those killed or disabled. More broadly, road traffic injuries have a serious impact on national economies, costing countries 3% of their annual gross domestic product.

Measures proven to reduce the risk of road traffic injuries and deaths exist and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has set an ambitious target of reducing road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030.

Consequences of Road Traffic Accidents

There are several consequences associated with road traffic accidents, one of which is the physical effects.

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The more severe physical injuries associated with a car accident commonly include brain and head trauma such as a traumatic brain injury, neck injuries such as whiplash, neck strains, or disk damage, and back or spine injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures, or disk injuries.

Physical injuries that are associated with long-term effects are usually permanent disabilities such as amputations, paralysis, or TBI’s which create a diminished mental capacity, but soft tissue injuries that affect the tissue surrounding and connecting tendons, muscles, and ligaments are also usually long term.

This is why determining the extent of an injury and the potential for future pain and suffering is an important component to recovering from an auto accident.

There are other consequences of road accident you can check out.

This article will enumerate some very important road safety tips.

Road Safety Tips

  1. Keep 100% of your attention when driving at all times
  2. Don’t use your phone or any other electronic device while driving.
  3. Avoid over-speeding
  4. Keep a 2-second cushion between you and the car in front of you; make it 4 seconds if the weather is bad
  5. When embarking on long distance journey, build time into your trip schedule to stop for food, rest breaks, phone calls or other business.
  6. Secure cargo that may move around while the vehicle is in motion.
  7. Don’t attempt to retrieve items that fall to the floor while driving.
  8. Always drive when sober, avoid drunk driving
  9. Never drive when tired
  10. Ensure all vehicle occupants wear a seat belt.
  11. Observe and obey road traffic rules always
  12. Make sure you buckle up your seat belt always when driving
  13. Always carry out routine vehicle check before use.
  14. Never play on the road
  15. Look Left, Then, Right, Then Left Before Crossing the Street.
  16. Obey the speed limit
  17. If a breakdown occurs, turn hazard lights on and get the vehicle to a safe location.
  18. If the vehicle breaks down on the roadway, turn hazard lights on, stay belted in the vehicle and wait for professional help.
  19. Never get out of a vehicle to make a repair on a busy road.
  20. Parents of children residing near busy roads should keep the Gates closed always.
  21. Avoid long trips during night, as far as possible.
  22. Do not park vehicles near curvature.
  23. Drive defensively to protect yourself and other road users.
  24. Be especially alert when approaching traffic lights, intersections and level crossings.
  25. Only overtake when it is absolutely safe to do so.
READ ALSO  Road Traffic Injuries, Risk Factors and Prevention

Above are some road safety tips. The list is not exhaustive, as more can still be added.


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