Loss Prevention In Health And Safety

Loss Prevention In Health And Safety
Loss prevention in safety terms covers all actions taken to prevent loss that could arise from an accident. It is the name given to the activities that help provide anticipatory safety measures for the prevention of accidents.
Loss prevention includes proactive measures to prevent or abate potential risks. These proactive measures may be in the form of improved safety and training programs; implementing new, but less hazardous processes; introducing programs/projects to reduce injuries and property loss; and introducing general safety enhancement programs.
Loss prevention is always accompanied by Loss control. Loss control is the act of reducing severity by identifying the factors that aggravate or increase a loss and taking proactive measures to lessen the effects of those factors. This comes in when prevention fails.

Importance of Loss Prevention

  • Helps ensure the safety of workers, equipment, and the environment
  • Helps minimize accident rate and severity
  • Prevent or minimize Insurance claims
  • Enhance production
  • Improves workers efficiency
  • Boost worker’s job satisfaction
  • Give organization competitive edge in business
  • Reduce worker’s turnover
  • Reduce insurance premium
  • Boost profit, etc.

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Some areas that can be covered by the loss prevention program are:

  • Policy Statement
  • Coordinator/Specialist
  • Committee – Roles and Responsibilities
  • Policy Statement Letter
  • Employee Training
  • Emergency Planning/Emergency Action Plans
  • Safety Inspections
  • Accident and Incident Reporting
  • Maintenance Programs
  • Fire Protection Programs
  • Security
  • Environmental Protection Program
  • Industrial Hygiene Program
  • Motor Vehicle Safety Program
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The above list is not exhaustive as more things could be added based on the objective.

These points are things that could be put in place to ensure a successful loss prevention program.

Duties And Qualifications of A  Loss Preventive Specialist


  • Conducts loss prevention surveys / physical inspections of commercial accounts.
  • Provides underwriters with an accurate description of the physical and operational details of an insured.
  • Identifies hazards and potential loss exposures and makes recommendations to eliminate or reduce the potential loss.
  • Consult with underwriters and other staff regarding account / line-of-business acceptability, exposures, and controls pertinent to the various lines of business.
  • Assists underwriters and other staff relative to account operations, exposures, construction, and protection.
  • Conducts accident investigation and loss analysis to identify causes.
  • Employs effective sales and communication skills to achieve compliance with recommendations and provides safety and/or supervisory training to insureds.
  • Conducts joint marketing presentations, in conjunction with Underwriting, Claims, and Marketing, to accounts and agents.
  • Maintains specialized knowledge of company/department manuals and procedures, and relevant Federal, State, and other pertinent codes and regulations applicable to Property, Liability, and Casualty lines of coverage.
  • Provides technical advice to lower-level positions and other functional areas. May review the work of and/or assist in training new employees.
  • May lead the work of others (mentors, prioritizes, delegates, and reviews assignments).
  • May have responsibility for the performance and coaching of staff and may have a participatory role in decisions regarding development, hiring, firing, performance management, pay increases, etc., for direct reports.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
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  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience
  • 5 or more years of related experience. Certification in the area of chosen expertise may be required; appropriate certifications could include Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS), Associate Risk Management (ARM), Certified Safety and Health Management (CSHMS), Associate Loss Control Management (ALCM) or Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST).

External Reference

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