21 Examples Of Electrical Hazards & Tips To Treat The Danger

Electrical Accidents in the Workplace

Examples of electrical hazards covers all activities and situations that could pose electrical risk to persons exposed to them.

In this article, I will give practical examples of electrical hazards, this is to help us recognize these hazards, to proffer means of managing their risk. You can also read more articles on electrical safety here.

Note that, if electrical risk are not well managed, it will result to electrical injury.

Some of these hazards can easily be eliminated, some minimized.

Examples Of Electrical Hazards

  1. Leaving or using electrical appliances near water – As electric current is transmitted faster in on wet surfaces, you stand a chance of getting an electric shock.
  2. Using the wrong light bulb wattage
  3. Overloading power strips and outlets
  4. Unprotected electrical outlets
  5. Poor wiring
  6. Defective electrical wires
  7. Loose or improper connections, such as electrical outlets or switches
  8. Frayed appliance or extension cords
  9. Pinched or pierced wire insulation, which could occur from, for example, a chair leg sitting on an extension cord
  10. Cracked wire insulation caused by heat, age, corrosion or bending
  11. Overheated wires or cords
  12. Damaged electrical appliances
  13. Electrical wire that has been chewed by rodents
  14. Pouring of water on electrical fires
  15. Wet condition: Be careful when using an electrical appliances under wet condition
  16. Covered electrical cords and wires: Heavy covering of wires can cause the cords to overheat, which could lead to an electrical fire. Keep cords and wires away from other items and keep them uncovered.
  17. Overhead Power Lines
  18. Overloaded Circuits
  19. Exposed Electrical Parts
  20. Improper Grounding: Proper grounding can eliminate unwanted voltage and reduce the risk of electrocution. Never remove the metallic ground pin as it is responsible for returning unwanted voltage to the ground.
  21. Damaged Insulation: Be aware of damaged insulation and report it immediately. Turn off all power sources before replacing damaged insulation and never attempt to cover them with electrical tape.
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Causes of Electrical Hazards

The cause of electrical hazard are summarized into unsafe acts and unsafe conditions created by human; so it has more of human factor imbedded in it. Consider someone running a cable lead through a wet or damp environment which poses electrical risk to everyone within the area.

Here are some causes of electrical hazards:

  • Insufficient insulation which can happen over time. Electrical insulation can deteriorate due to wear and tear, rodents, or exposure to moisture. This degradation can lead to exposed wires and increase the risk of electric shock or short circuits.
  • Circuit breaker can fails to trip during an overload. Here it will lose its protective functioning, further increasing the risk of electrical hazards.
  • Loose connections, frayed wires, or cracked insulation can result in electrical malfunctions.
  • Practices like daisy chaining and overloading can cause overheating and ignite electrical fires.
  • Failing to regularly inspect electrical systems, ignoring warning signs, or bypassing safety procedures can trigger severe electrical hazards over time.

Here are some safe tips to manage electrical risk:

  1. Never try to repair electrical appliances yourself, always contact a licensed electrician.
  2. Check your appliances regularly for faulty switches, plugs and frayed cords.
  3. Avoid overloading power boards with too many appliances at once. E.g. If you have a heater plugged into the power board, unplug it before using the hair dryer.
  4. Never poke anything into an appliance while it is plugged in or in use.
  5. Always use outdoor grade extension cords outside of the home.
  6. Make sure your hands are dry before touching switches or electrical appliances.
  7. Switching off all appliances before cleaning areas like the kitchen, bathroom or laundry.
  8. Take on educational training like electrical safety training to exercise on how to identify electrical hazards, ensuring your safety.”
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