Workplace Injuries: Knowing the Hazards, Staying Safe and Recovering

Workplace Injuries Knowing the Hazards

Although most workplace injuries might seem trivial and like they could be easily brushed off, the truth is that they still cause quite a lot of health damage. Even if your injuries are not severe, you’ll still have to take time off from work, something that will likely harm your finances. There’s also the emotional damage you should take into account. Recovering from both physical and mental wounds can be a long-term, frustrating process since healing will most likely not be linear. 

It’s essential to be aware of the dangers of your workplace, as well as everything you need to do to ensure you avoid them. Sometimes, work accidents still occur despite the fact that protection measures were well-respected. For such cases, you must know what you need to do to recover and regain control of your life. 

Trips and falls 

Slipping, tripping and falling are some of the most common workplace injuries. There are several causes, including spills that are left uncleaned, clutter and wires all over the floor. Even something as ubiquitous as melted snow trailing in during the wintertime can be enough to cause someone to become injured. If you are the victim of such an accident, you need to talk to a solicitor who will help you file a compensation claim that ensures you get the maximum amount you deserve. 

Although many of these injuries are typically not severe, it is still uncomfortable and undesirable to be left with bruises or scrapes. Older people, or those with weaker bones or ligaments, can have much more severe wounds, such as fractures or head trauma. To avoid these injuries, make sure all areas of the workspace are well-lit, that clutter is out of the way and that there are no uneven surfaces. If you have carpets or rugs, make sure that they’re well-arranged and don’t represent a hazard. 

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Industrial or manufacturing workers have a heightened risk of becoming injured while operating heavy machinery. Factories, farms and construction sites are the most common areas where these injuries can occur. Because of the sheer size and force of the machines, these wounds are often severe, even potentially life-threatening. Many of the victims have to struggle with life-changing disability in the aftermath, meaning that the care costs will be even more elevated. 

To avoid this type of accident, make sure to wear the proper equipment at all times. You should also ensure that you’ve received the appropriate training before working with the machines. All of them should be adequately guarded at all times so that they’re not a safety hazard. The types of wounds that could occur from improper use of machinery are rather gruesome and include severed or crushed limbs, blindness and deep lacerations. 


Explosions are very serious accidents that can cause considerable injuries or even death. Depending on how close you were to the first blast, your injuries will differ in severity. They can happen in any environment, as central heating boilers can also explode. However, they are far more common in industries that work with volatile materials such as gas or oil. The mining and construction industries are also more likely to experience these destructive events. 

Some of the most common injuries that can occur from being in the radius of an explosion are partial or total hearing loss, lung and airway damage from the fumes or heated air, cuts from debris, burns and impact injuries resulting from the force of the blast. Despite how serious explosions are, they can be pretty simple to prevent by employing a few essential safety practices. All combustible materials should be handled with care and in satisfactory conditions. 

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All equipment should also be well-maintained to reduce the risk of overheating and catching fire. All the machinery that’s not in use should not be plugged in and avoid overloading electrical circuits. Make sure all safety policies are in order, and devise an evacuation plan and procedures in the event of an explosion. 

Repetitive strain 

Repetitive stress injuries, also known as cumulative trauma disorder, tend to happen because of poor ergonomics associated with repetitive motions. They are prevalent among those working in an office, who sit for long hours and type. Back pain is the most common complaint these employees have. Although there are much more dramatic injuries out there, and back pain by itself isn’t a life-threatening condition, it will still result in a decreased quality of life level, impacting productivity and workplace satisfaction. 

Repetitive strain injuries are one of the fastest-growing categories of occupational hazards and injuries. There are several different injuries that fall under the umbrella of repetitive stress injuries, including tendinosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, trigger finger, ulnar tunnel syndrome and focal dystonia. Eye strain or dryness are typically associated with spending several hours a day in front of a computer screen. Still, the symptoms include more than eye discomfort, such as blurry vision, a burning sensation or sensitivity to light. Neck soreness, back pain, headaches, trouble concentrating and fatigue are some of the other signs that can be pretty common.  

To avoid these injuries, make sure to get plenty of rest. Take breaks and make sure to sleep well at night, as sleep deprivation can create inflammation that exacerbates the symptoms. Regular exercise can also help, as well as improving ergonomics. If all those steps don’t alleviate the symptoms, you should consider physical therapy to target the problem areas. 

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If you become injured due to an occupational injury, you must go to the doctor immediately. Even if the damage might not seem evident in the beginning, it’s good to get a check-up to ensure there are no hidden injuries that could cause problems in the future. If you think that you’re not recovering as well as you should, don’t hesitate to ask for a different treatment scheme. 

If you were left with PTSD or anxiety as a result of the accident, you should talk to a therapist that can help you move on from the trauma of the incident. And, of course, don’t forget that you’re not alone and that you can always talk to your family and friends for reassurance. 

Although most workplace accidents are not severe, they can still cause you to postpone your plans and change your daily routine, which will naturally be uncomfortable. 


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