15 Great Personal Injury Lawyers in Oregon, USA

Personal Injury Lawyers in Oregon

If you are in Oregon, USA and need a Personal Injury Lawyer this post is for you. I am providing a list of great Personal Injury Lawyers in Oregon, USA.

Personal Injury Lawyers In Oregon, USA

This list is not conclusive, as these are only few that is represented here. The list contains the Name of the Law Firm, website, contact number and operation address.

However, if you are interested in any of these personal Injury Lawyers in Oregon you can choose the personal injury lawyer near you from the address or you can visit their website to get more information about them before you pick any.

You can equally refer to our Ultimate guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in USA.

Contact Number: +1 503-506-4102
Website: johnston-lawfirm.com

2. Dwyer Williams Cherkoss Attorneys, PC

Contact Number: +1 541-617-0555
Website: www.roydwyer.com
Address: 1558 SW Nancy Way UNIT 101, Bend, OR 97702, United States

3. Bridge City Law | Accident & Injury Lawyers

Contact Number: +1 503-274-0404
Website: bridgecitylawfirm.com

4. Morgan & Morgan

Contact Number: +1 503-889-2660
Website: www.forthepeople.com
Address: 1050 SW 6th Ave #1100, Portland, OR 97204, United States

5. Goldberg & Loren

Contact Number: +1 503-505-6117
Website: goldbergloren.com
Address: 6500 S Macadam Ave #300, Portland, OR 97239, United States

6. Law Offices of Jon Friedman

Contact Number: +1 503-242-1440
Website: www.jonathanmfriedman.com

7. Kaplan Law, LLC

Contact Number: +1 503-226-3844
Website: www.mdkaplanlaw.com

8. DuBois Law Group LLC

Contact Number: +1 503-222-4411
Website: pdxinjurylaw.com
Address: 1553 SE Tolman St, Portland, OR 97202, United States

9. Dawson Law Group: Car Accident & Injury Lawyers

Contact Number: +1 503-656-0400
Website: www.dawlaw.net

10. Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers

Contact Number: +1 503-406-3883
Website: tillmannlaw.com

11. Kline Law Offices P.C.

Contact Number: +1 503-907-9215
Website: klinelawpc.com
Address: 1500 SW 1st Ave Suite 800, Portland, OR 97201, United States

12. D’Amore Law Group

Contact Number: +1 503-222-6333
Website: damorelaw.com

13. Paulson Coletti Trial Attorneys PC

Contact Number: +1 503-226-6361
Website: www.paulsoncoletti.com

14. The Corson & Johnson Law Firm

Contact Number: +1 541-484-2525
Website: corsonjohnsonlaw.com

15. Rizk Law

Contact Number: +1 503-974-0109
Website: www.rizklaw.com
In conclusion, if you have worked with any of these Personal Injury lawyers in Oregon and have any thumbs up or bad experience with them please feel free to state it in the comment section as this list is subject to review.
Also if you know of any that is doing very well and you feel should be in this list, please state the firm and why you feel they should be part of this list, and they will be added accordingly after due consideration.
Thank you.

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