Did You Know These Were Driving Offences?

Did You Know These Were Driving Offences

Did You Know These Were Driving Offences?

The rules of the road are extensive and sometimes easy to forget, but remembering the regulations of The Highway Code is crucial for new and experienced drivers alike.

The more obvious offences such as driving through a red light or practising without the appropriate learner driver insurance are more widely understood by motorists. But what more obscure driving habits are considered offences? Below we explore a few of these.

Flashing your headlights at other drivers unnecessarily

Many will be surprised to hear that flashing your headlights at other drivers isn’t actually permitted in the Highway Code, except if you are making other road users aware of your presence.

Headlights can impede the vision of other motorists and therefore increase the risk of road traffic accidents. As such, flashing to thank someone or giving way at a junction using your headlights can be considered a driving offence if it causes danger.

Some drivers also use their headlights to warn others of upcoming speed cameras which is certainly not permitted, and could you see you hit with a £1,000 fine for obstructing the police.

Parking within 10 metres of a junction

Another offence that many won’t be aware of is parking too close to a junction. 

The Highway Code states that parking within 10 metres is not allowed because it can obstruct the view of cars joining the road. It can also make it difficult for drivers to see cyclists and pedestrians when emerging.

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Parking within designated bays and laybys is always recommended to ensure that your vehicle doesn’t increase the risk of accidents whether you are in the car or not.

Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing

This one is perhaps more common sense than anything, but overtaking the vehicle in front of you at a pedestrian crossing is strictly against the rules.

Doing so can endanger someone crossing the road that may not have been in your view when you decided to overtake. Don’t forget to ensure that you keep pedestrian crossings clear rather than driving onto them without being able to fully cross.

Having a dirty number plate

Driving around with a dirty or obstructed number plate is an offence on UK roads because it stops authorities and other motorists from reading your registration plate.

Ensure that you wipe yours clean before you set off if it’s in any way hidden by dirt, grit, or any other material.

If you are spotted by police with an unreadable registration plate, you could be facing an immediate £100 fine on the spot or one of up to £1,000 in some cases.

These are a few of the less commonly known driving offences that you might want to keep in mind from now on. There are also plenty more, so return to The Highway Code every now and again to refresh your memory!