Who Must Sign a Confined Space Entry Permit

Confined Space Entry Permit Requirements

A confined space entry permit ensures safety by enumerating both the possible hazards and required precautions. It is a kind of check-off list and approval document that must be completed before any entry into the space. But under whose authority does it get signed?

Who Must Sign a Confined Space Entry Permit – Why

Who Must Sign a Confined Space Entry Permit:

  • Entry Supervisor: The entry supervisor has the overall responsibility for the confined space operation. This must be the person who verifies that all the safety precautions are in place and the space is ready for entry. By signing, the supervisor certifies the space is safe to enter.
  • Authorized Entrants: The permit is signed by the authorized persons who enter the confined space. They acknowledge by signing the permit that they are aware of the space’s hazards and safety measures.
  • Attendant: The attendant, who does not enter the confined space, but monitors the entrants from outside the space, signs the permit. He is supposed to ensure communication and emergency response during the operation.

Key Elements in a Confined Space Entry Permit

A permit for entering a confined space typically includes the following required information:

  • Identification of space being entered
  • Hazard(s) known or suspected to exist in the confined space
  • Names of entrants, attendants, and supervisors that are allowed
  • Methods used to isolate and eliminate hazards
  • Equipment and PPE needed for the task
  • Time allowed for entry and to be finished
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Why Signing the Permit is Important

The permit for entry into a confined space is a formal acknowledgment of the associated hazards and safety procedures; it holds each person responsible and covers all precautionary measures before entry.

Consequences of Not Having the Right Signatures

The consequences of the failure of those who are supposed to sign the entry permit are serious. The possible exposure to dangerous gases, engulfment, and other associated hazards may fall upon workers in incidents that could lead to injury or death. Besides these, there are legal penalties and fines against the employer for failure to follow the safety rules.


The signing of a permit to enter a confined space is a critical step in work safety. It should be signed both by the entry supervisor and the authorized entrants, while the attendant confirms that all safety precautions are met. This is part of an important process in protecting workers from confined space hazards and also meets regulatory expectations.

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