IOSH Podcast is coming to you from Sydney, Australia, for the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work.
Kellie Williams, IOSH magazine’s digital editor, has been chosen to present the Safety 2023 Podcast at the event.
Starting today, you can listen to interviews with international delegates and experts discussing the latest challenges and trends in the world of occupational safety and health.
If you can’t make it to Sydney in person, you can access the livestream, recorded episodes and every session with a virtual pass. And IOSH members can get discounted virtual tickets and access exclusive content, including the four daily podcasts.
Register for world congress now. To get 10 per cent off ($360 instead of $400 AUD), select the virtual ticket and use the promotion code: WORLDCONGRESSIOSH.
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The International Social Security Association, International Labour Organization, Government of Australia and Safework New South Wales are joint organisers of the event, which runs from 27 to 30 November. This year’s theme is ‘shaping change – collaborating for a healthier and safer world of work’.
If you don’t wish to register, you’ll still be able to listen to some of the IOSH Podcasts.