Who is Responsible for Workplace Health and Safety

Who is Responsible for Workplace Health and Safety

The question – Who is responsible for workplace health and safety is a simple, but complex question.

According to the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) – Everyone is Responsible for workplace health and safety, but it is not that simple.

If we say everyone is responsible for workplace health and safety, does it mean that everyone acts when there are safety concerns?

This is a complex question.

Let’s clarify this:

Who Is Responsible For Workplace Health And Safety in the Workplace?

When we say “Everyone is responsible“, it means everyone has a part to play in safety issues no matter how minute they may be. The statement “Everyone is responsible” is an umbrella statement like the statement of intent of the health and safety policy which has to be further broken down for better understanding.

In every workplace, we have the Employer and the Employees. Both parties have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

Though employees are graded, from top management personnel to the least workers; all of them are employees.

In as much as everyone is responsible, there are specific responsibilities for the different quarters – The employer and Employees.

Let’s get into the different responsibilities for the different quarters:

Employers Responsibility

The employers are saddled with the duty of care for all their employees, and they could be held accountable for any safety breach under their watch.

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Here are the major Employers’ responsibilities 

  • Employers have duties under the Health and Safety Act to assess risks in their workplace and draw out measures to manage the identified risks.
  • Employers must give employees information about the risks in the workplace and how to protect their employees.
  • Employers must consult employees on health and safety issues.
  • Employers must create and implement policies and procedures that support the safety initiatives and goals of the organization.
  • Train all workers on the health and safety program and specific job-related tasks, hazards, and safe operating procedures.
  • Support safety initiatives
  • Lead by example
  • Inspect the workplace for unsafe conditions and respond promptly to them.
  • Maintain work equipment, keeping them in good condition.
  • Providing Personal Protective Equipment.

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Employees Responsibilities

I mentioned earlier that employees are in different grades, from top management staff to the lowest workers. All the categories of employees are covered under the employee’s responsibilities.

As the employers have the duty of care, all employees have the duty of responsibility.

Generally, employees have the following duties:

  • Workers have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  • Workers must cooperate with employers and co-workers to help everyone meet their legal requirements.
  • As a worker, if you have specific queries or concerns relating to health and safety in your workplace, talk to your employer, manager/supervisor, or a health and safety representative.
  • Make use of all safety equipment or safety gear provided for their safety.
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The top management staff (Managers/Supervisors/Departmental heads) can also be allotted extra responsibilities aside from the general responsibilities as an employees from their employers, to ensure the overall safety of all occupants of the work environment and the environment.

Duties of top management staff (Managers, Supervisors, Departmental Heads, etc.):

  • Ensuring workers work in compliance with health and safety policies and procedures, and the Act
  • Ensure that PPE is provided and released to workers when the need arises.
  • May be saddled with responsibilities involving emergency management based on their level of competence.
  • Ensuring that the PPE provided is worn when necessary and correctly.
  • Offering training and education about potential or actual hazards.
  • Advise the employer on issues pertaining to health and safety
  • Serve as a middle person who could transmit the worker’s safety concerns to the employers, etc.

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In conclusion, from the question – “Who is responsible for workplace health and safety”? 

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. So, whichever position you see yourself in any organization, you have a safety responsibility, be it a general responsibility or a specific responsibility.

Try to understand your safety responsibility.

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