WHO Global Network Expands Digital Health Certification for Hajj Pilgrims

WHO Global Network Expands Digital Health Certification for Hajj Pilgrims

In order to support the approximately 3 million pilgrims who perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today established a new historic partnership in the field of digital health.

Based on the public key architecture of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network, the Hajj health card provides a summary of vital health information, including allergies, prescription requirements, immunization status, and pre-existing diseases. With the card, people have control over their own health information while traveling to Saudi Arabia, enabling them to offer approved healthcare providers access to current, accurate patient summaries and receive individualized, high-quality care.

Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Chief Scientist of WHO, said, “Today marks a notable progress in WHO’s support to Member States to expand access to safer and person-centered digital health tools for people to improve their access to quality health care when and where they need it.” “We express our gratitude for the outstanding cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the involved nations, and the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. We anticipate providing additional assistance in enhancing the capabilities and infrastructure of nations transitioning to more advanced digital health systems.”

With over 3 million pilgrims from more than 180 nations participating in the Hajj each year, it is the biggest pilgrimage in the world. In 2024, over a quarter of a million pilgrims from three nations—Indonesia, Malaysia, and Oman—were provided with Hajj health cards as part of a trial partnership between WHO and Saudi Arabia. During this test phase, it was shown that any nation could issue national versions of the card based on global norms, improving pilgrims’ safety and standard of care as they performed the Hajj.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) and Saudi Arabia have decided to work together even more to enhance and grow the Hajj health card pilot program. The Hajj health card program will be able to provide more nations with crucial technical support and enhanced data security thanks to the knowledge and assistance of the Saudi government and their digital implementation partner, LEAN.

Dr. Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), stated, “This exciting partnership between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the World Health Organization to expand the Hajj health card initiative enhances the safety and well-being of millions of pilgrims.” “We improve care quality and contribute to the strengthening of health systems in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and globally by utilizing digital health solutions.”

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