What Is Tyre Speed Rating

Tyre Speed Rating

It is pertinent that we discuss the subject “Tyre Speed Rating” as many persons do not know what it entails nor its significant.

Lets delve into the subject matter.

What is Tyre Speed Rating

Tyre speed rating which is represented with a letter code is the maximum safe speed a tyre can sustain under specific load conditions. It is a legally approved limit a tyres is expected to run.

Speed ratings are indicated by with letters (e.g. “H” or “V”) which represents a particular speed range. Selecting tyres with speed rating in mind is important to ensure a safe and dependable driving experience. Check your vehicle’s manual or contact a tyre expert to find out what speed rating is right for your vehicle and driving requirements.

To ensure your safety when driving, you need to understand the speed limit of your car, get a tyre that matches and try not to push it beyond its limit.

However, there are other variables that could determine the speed limit of a tyre at any point, they include:

  • Tyre condition
  • Inflation level
  • Extra cargo or weight
  • Road surfaces
  • Weather, etc.

Why You Should Know Your Tyre Speed Rating

Here is the first and most important reason why knowing tyre speed rating is important; When the tyre speed rating is too low for your car, the tyre may not cope with the heat of the speeds, this could cause the tyre to lose performance and the car will lose control; sometimes the tyre may blow-out. So your tyre speed rating must agree with your vehicle speed specification.

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Where To Find The Tyre Speed Rating On Your Tyre

It is always boldly written on the sidewall of every tyre. It comes together with other parameters, something like this – 205/55 R16 91V. Here is the meaning:

  • 205 – Width of the tyre
  • 55 – Aspect Ratio
  • R16 – Tyre Rim
  • 91 – Load index
  • V – Speed rating

The speed rating letter comes after the load rating. It is important to look at both together because the speed rating depends on driving with the right load.

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Note: Tyre speed rating is not just about the speed, it is also about driving comfort, traction, tread wear and cornering ability. While a higher speed rating usually provides better traction and stopping power, it can also mean a shorter tread life and less performance in cold conditions. This is why V, Z, W and Y-rated tyres are usually better suited to high performance vehicles in warmer climates.

Can I Use Tyres With Different Speed Rating in My Vehicle?

Though people do it, but this is not recommended as you can run into disaster by pushing some tyres beyond their limit.

We recommend that tyres of same size, type and speed ratings, be fitted in the vehicle.

What Is Tyre Speed Rating Chart

Tyre Speed Rating

This chart shows you the maximum speed is for each tyre speed rating letter. The system is based on kilometres per hour (kmh), which is why the increments seem odd in miles per hour (mph).

Tyre load index chart

Tyre Speed rating

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The load index is one of the two numbers on the sidewall of a tyre that precedes the tyre speed rating. The load index indicates the maximum load the vehicle can carry for that particular tyre. It is important to note that exceeding the maximum load can be dangerous and the tyre speed rating will not be accurate and may influence the performance and handling of the tyres.