What are Safety Procedures

Safety Procedures

Safety procedures (Safe work procedures) are specific steps that guide workers through a task  in a chronological order from start to finish. Safety procedures are designed to reduce work risk by minimizing potential exposure.

Safety procedures are usually developed by a team of professionals including management staff and workers.

The basis for developing safe work procedure  are majorly derived from the result of risk assessment, accident investigation, legal obligations, etc.

Safe work procedures are generally developed for specific job activities and are documented. Plan review is always set for each Safe work procedure; depending on the risk level of the job, review can take a longer or shorter time.

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Contents of a Safety Procedure

Safe work procedures do not have to follow a particular format, but there are basic information it should contain:

  • Name and description of the work, date it was developed and date of last review.
  • Hazards associated with the job task.
  • Equipment / devices, personal protective equipment (PPE), or other safety considerations necessary to perform the task safely.
  • Required training and relevant documentation needed to perform the task safely.

Read Also: How to use the risk assessment matrix effectively

Safety procedures template

Here is a safe work procedure template  – See document 

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