MSHA Reiterates that Haulage Drivers Need to Follow Safe Dumping Protocol

Safe Dumping Protocol

MSHA reiterates that Haulage Drivers Need to Follow the Safe Dumping Protocol.

It is recommended that miners who dump freight from haulage vehicles always check the ground and keep a safe distance from the edge.

In a safety alert following a recent event in which a haul truck driver was saved following a rollover, the Mine Safety and Health Administration provides that advice.

The vehicle drifted and overturned as the disposal point sloughed off. The driver was pulled from the side window of the cab after suffering minor injuries as the truck came to rest 15 feet below.

Additional MSHA standard procedures for cargo dumping include:

  • Be especially mindful of rain and other weather changes when conducting workplace examinations.
  • When dumping, push material over the edge with a bulldozer. Mark dumping locations clearly with reflectors and/or markers.
  • Don’t remove material from the toe of stockpiles if it would make dumping locations unstable.
  • Wear a seat belt when operating equipment and remain inside the cab. Don’t attempt to jump clear.
  • Train miners on how to recognize dump-point hazards, take appropriate corrective actions, and follow safe dumping procedures.
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