The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Promoting Health and Safety at Work

Certifications for Nurses

Role of Nurse Practitioners in Promoting Health and Safety at Work – Nurse practitioners (NPs) are becoming a vital part of the healthcare industry, supplementing roles during professional shortages. There are currently 234,690 NPs working in the field to date, and this will only increase as their employment rates are set to grow by 1.3%.

Nurse practitioners are licensed professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat illnesses. They may even prescribe medication. Due to their skills, they can make a world of difference in promoting better health and safety for workers. Here are the ways NPs can do so:

Role of Nurse Practitioners in Promoting Health and Safety

1. Give Talks On Workplace Health

These professionals are a mostly untapped resource when it comes to giving talks and lectures about the importance of health, with many companies opting to contact physicians. However because nurse practitioners work in a regulated field, all of them have the required knowledge and credentials that prove they are experts within their specialties.

Having these lectures done at least twice a year will help your employees be more up-to-date on illnesses they should be wary of, symptoms they need to look out for, and procedures to take if they believe they are sick. This will make your company’s working environment more conscious of everyone’s health and prevent diseases from spreading in the workplace.

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2. Create Safety Plans

Workplace safety can be another thing that nurse practitioners can help with. Since they have practical and hands-on experience, they can point out things and situations that can be hazardous for workers. Our post on ‘Work-related Injuries’ documents how they do happen, but they should not be common or occur frequently. When a job causes or significantly aggravates an illness or injury, then a company will be held responsible. Not only can this put their employee out of commission but also opens the organization up to lawsuits.

Nurse practitioners can survey offices and other workspaces to see if there is anything that can be dangerous to employees. They can also find the most strategic areas to add sterilization stations to prevent the spread of bacteria, germs, and viruses. Safety plans are essential in maintaining the well-being of workers and nurse practitioners can lend a great hand in making it possible.

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3. Provide Care For Remote Workers

Remote work in America has become extremely popular. Employees find that they are more productive, have more freedom, and provide the same quality of work as their onsite counterparts. It is obvious that this form of employment is here to stay, and companies should do what they can to still give these employees the health benefits they deserve. One way this can be done is through remote nurse practitioners. Companies just need to ensure that the NP specializes in the field they need, as it can change depending on which state they are based in. Virtual consultations with remote nurse practitioners in Minnesota, and 25 other states, offer telemedicine services for conditions such as GERD, diabetes, UTI, hypertension, and asthma. Telehealth is now the way to go, especially as physicians have become less accessible due to the current shortage within the healthcare industry.

Aside from completing graduate-level nursing programs and getting certified by the state, remote NPs also undergo additional training — ensuring they can adequately treat patients online. These professionals still practice the same procedures as traditional practitioners. They are required to abide by HIPAA regulations and give the best care to clients. Remote workers can schedule a consultation with NPs if they are feeling unwell or if they just want to maintain their health. This will aid in keeping all employees in tip-top shape – even the ones not in the office.

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4. Give On-Site Medical Aid

For those who physically go to work, healthcare must be also accessible to them. Companies should have an on-site clinic where employees can go if they are feeling unwell. Since nurse practitioners are trained to diagnose and treat illnesses, they will know whether a worker needs to rest, isolate, take medication, or seek further care.

A Wisconsin-based review found that only 33% of large employers offer on-site clinics. In these organizations, employees spent less time traveling back and forth to see their primary care physicians, leaving them feeling better compensated by their companies. This also gives them a better quality of life since preventive care is more accessible. Nurse practitioners can run these facilities since their training gives them the expertise to handle different medical cases.

NPs can do a great deal when it comes to promoting, even bettering, health and safety at work. Nurse practitioners are an essential resource to today’s healthcare industry and can make a big difference in your workplace today.

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