RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)


RIDDOR is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995.  The regulations require responsible persons to report deaths at work, major injuries caused by accidents at work, injuries to persons not at work that require hospital treatment, and dangerous occurrences.

The aim of RIDDOR is to create a record of the number and type of incidents and illnesses in order to form a picture of risks involved in different industries and occupations and to improve the investigation of serious accidents.

RIDDOR is a legal requirement to report incidents and ill-health at work. This will make it possible for incidents to be investigated and corrective measures implemented thereby preventing future reoccurrence.

RIDDOR sets out rules that should be followed by employers and anyone responsible for working premises in reporting workplace accidents or work-related RIDDOR; it also covers near misses.

 Incident Covered By RIDDOR:

  1. Reportable injuries
  2. Reportable occupational diseases
  3. Reportable dangerous occurrences

1. Reportable injuries include:

  • Death caused by an incident at work. This death could either be to a worker or a member of the public.
  • Major injuries.

RIDDOR defines major injuries to include:

    1. Injury from electric shock or serious burns
    2. Loss of sight or chemical burn to the eye
    3. Amputation
    4. Broken bones or dislocation (with the exception of fingers or toes)
    5. An injury where the skin separates from the head (requiring hospital treatment)
    6. Loss of consciousness due to head injuries, chemicals, toxins, infected materials, or asphyxia.
    7. Crush injuries affecting the head or torso.
    8. Injury as a result of confined space work that results in hypothermia, heat-related Illness, heart-stopping, or requires hospital treatment for more than 24 hours.
  • Injury resulting in lost time injury of more than 7 working days: Any accident which results in a worker not being able to work for more than seven consecutive working days must be reported to RIDDOR.
  • Injuries to members of the public involve that person being taken directly to the hospital for medical treatment.
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2. Reportable occupational disease

  • Occupational dermatitis.
  • Occupational cancer.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVs).

3. Reportable dangerous occurrence

  • Collapsed lifting equipment
  • Equipment touching power lines
  • Explosions
  • Major fires
  • Failure of diving equipment or breathing apparatus
  • Accidental chemical spillages

 See how to make a RIDDOR report here

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