Whether you are working in an office or a construction site, there are some important health and safety procedures that you need to know about. We have compiled the 10 best practices when it comes to occupational health and safety procedures “10 Occupational Health And Safety Procedures“. Don’t be caught off guard by any of these common mistakes – brush up on your knowledge of these important health and safety procedures today!
Occupational Health And Safety Procedures
Lets go right in to highlight some very important Occupational Health and Safety Procedures. Note that this list is not exhaustive.
1. Wear The Right Protective Gear
One of the most important occupational health and safety procedures is to wear the right protective gear. This is especially important if you work in a hazardous environment. Depending on your job, you may need to wear a respirator, gloves, earplugs, or other protective gear. Make sure you know what gear you need and that it fits properly.
The best way to know this is by reading your company’s occupational health and safety procedures manual. If there isn’t one, ask for one from your supervisor or human resources representative. It will have all the information you need about workplace safety procedures examples and health and safety procedures examples.
2. Work Safely On Ladders
Before you start any work on a ladder, review your company’s occupational health and safety procedures manual. Make sure you understand and follow all of the workplace safety procedures examples related to ladder use. When you are ready to begin, follow these health and safety procedures examples:
1. Inspect the ladder for damage.
2. Position the ladder at the correct angle.
3. Test your grip before climbing.
4. Use caution when moving up or down the ladder.
5. Do not carry anything while on a ladder.
6. Wear appropriate footwear.
7. Do not overload ladders.
8. Only allow one person on a ladder at a time.
9. Do not climb a wet ladder.
10. Store your ladder in a safe place.
3. Watch Out For Electrical Hazards
One of the most common workplace safety procedures is to watch out for electrical hazards. This means making sure that all electrical cords and outlets are in good condition and that you are not using any extension cords or power strips that are damaged. If you see any sparks or exposed wires, report them to your supervisor immediately.
Workplace safety procedures also require that you inspect all of your tools before using them. This is an important health and safety procedure because many workplace injuries are caused by tools which were improperly used. When inspecting your tools, make sure there are no cracks in the handles, that everything is free from rust or dirt, and that all moving parts work smoothly. Also make sure you read any documentation that comes with your tool before use. This is also applicable to electrical equipments.
Make sure all plug points are clean and have a three-point plug where possible. A three-point plug will help if you trip over the cord while working.
READ: Safety Procedures – Basic Contents Of A Safety Procedure
4. Guard All Unguarded Holes
Every year, people die or are seriously injured when they fall into unguarded holes. To prevent these tragedies, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) recommends that all workplaces follow these four steps:
1. Notice hazards before someone falls in
2. Take action to remove the hazard
3. Make sure nobody can come close enough to a hazard to be able-to put their hands in it
4. Install barriers if necessary
If you see a hazard, act on it immediately! If there is no way of removing the hazard without endangering your health and safety, then you should call your supervisor immediately so that they can make arrangements with emergency services. It’s not worth risking your life over something as simple as this!
One other important thing to remember is that you should never use a ladder as a guard for an unguarded hole. This can lead to serious injuries such as broken bones or head injuries, especially if you slip or miss your footing while climbing.
5. Use A Safety Line In Underground Work
When working underground, always use a safety line. This will help prevent you from falling and injuring yourself. Plus, if there is an emergency, the safety line can be used to help rescue you. It’s important to know about these types of procedures because accidents can happen anywhere at any time. It’s your responsibility as an employee or employer to stay safe in the workplace by following these health and safety procedures examples.
Always wear your safety line when you are underground. If you start to feel dizzy or lose your balance, it will keep you from falling down and hurting yourself. Plus, if there’s an emergency and someone needs to rescue you, they can use your safety line.
6. Identify Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
In many workplaces, there is a potential for explosive atmospheres. To help keep everyone safe, it’s important to have an occupational health and safety procedures manual that outlines the specific workplace safety procedures examples for your industry.
Although many people are familiar with fire safety procedures, many do not know about hazardous atmospheres and explosive gas. When you visit your local grocery store, you will notice there is a posting over each and every exit that has to do with fire evacuation procedures for that store. These procedures are critical for keeping employees safe during an emergency and should be included in all of your work policies.
7. Maintain An Awareness Of Health And Safety Risks Throughout Your Working Day
No matter what industry you work in, it’s important to maintain an awareness of health and safety risks throughout your working day. By being aware of potential hazards, you can take steps to avoid them. Awareness is key when it comes to occupational health and safety!
Stay on top of health and safety regulations so that you know the dos and don’ts on the job. Educate yourself about the dangers at hand, follow recommended precautions for avoiding these dangers, then make sure that everyone else does too. The only way to ensure a safe environment is by taking responsibility for your own actions as well as those around you.
8. Follow Safe Procedures When Using Power Tools
Power tools can be extremely dangerous if not used properly. Always read the manual before using any power tool, and be sure to follow all safety procedures. Wear protective gear, such as gloves, goggles, and earplugs, when using power tools. Be aware of your surroundings and never use power tools in wet or crowded areas. Finally, always unplug power tools when not in use.
Even if you are simply changing a blade or adjusting an accessory, make sure to turn off the power before making any adjustments.
It is also extremely important that you wear eye protection whenever using power tools. Whether you are using saws, sanders, routers, or anything else with spinning blades or wheels, never look directly at them while they are in operation.
READ: What Is SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
9. Take Care With Lifting Heavy Objects
Lifting heavy objects is one of the most common ways that people injure themselves at work. To avoid injury, take care when lifting any object that is heavier than you can comfortably lift on your own. Always use proper form, and if possible, get help from a coworker.
If you have any questions about using equipment or how much something weighs, be sure to ask. Sometimes heavy objects are labeled with their weight, making it easy for you. If they are not, weigh them on a scale so that you know exactly what you are lifting. Always wear gloves and other protective clothing if necessary—just because an object looks light does not mean it is.
If you lift something heavy, get a coworker’s help. For example, if you have to move a couch from one side of an office to another, do not try to do it all by yourself. Get your coworker or boss’s help so that you can lift it with two people and avoid injury. Your coworkers will be happy for their chance to assist and will respect you for putting safety first in even minor tasks.
10. Check You Have Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Before Starting Work
No matter what job you are doing, it’s important to make sure you have the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) before starting work. PPE is any clothing or gear worn to minimize exposure to hazards. Common examples of PPE include gloves, safety glasses and earplugs. Do a quick check of your PPE before starting work each day to make sure it’s in good condition and that you are using the right gear for the job.
If you are going to be working in an area where your eyes might be exposed, make sure you have eye protection with you. If you will be working in a dusty or dirty environment, it’s important that your respirator is clean and ready for use. Check any other PPE for damage or wear and tear before starting work. Anything that is frayed or torn needs to be replaced immediately.
When starting work, ensure you have enough of your PPE with you. For example, if you need gloves and glasses, have at least two pairs of each. If possible, leave an extra pair of your most essential PPE with a coworker in case your gear breaks or gets lost. Having extras can save you from starting work unprotected and make it easier for someone else to assist if needed.
See some OSHA recommended safety practice.
In conclusion, your health and safety procedures should act as your guiding principles which should be followed tenaciously. Ignoring them could mean signing your death warrant and clearing your route to be out of business.
If you do not have one, make sure you draw them out in collaboration with your supervisors, technical staffs, HSE representatives, etc.
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