NSC Applications For Community Traffic Safety Grants

NSC Applications For Community Traffic Safety Grants: Applications are now open for the latest round of Community Traffic Safety Grants through the nation’s largest traffic safety coalition, the Road to Zero Coalition, a program managed by the National Safety Council. In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provided funding to support three years of grant opportunities for projects that promise to further the Coalition’s lifesaving mission of achieving zero traffic deaths. Grants can be used to kick start new initiatives or grow existing efforts.

Roadway fatalities are still on the rise, with preliminary NHTSA estimates showing 20,175 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the first half of 2022, an increase of about 0.5% as compared to 20,070 fatalities projected in the same time period last year. Furthermore, data continuously demonstrate that the burden of traffic violence is disproportionately felt by those walking and biking, rural areas and communities of color. NSC and its Road to Zero Coalition aim to reverse this trend by promoting strategies to end roadway deaths, including doubling down on what works, advancing lifesaving technologies and adopting a Safe System approach.

To see examples from previous years’ grants, go here. More information about the funding available, including eligibility requirements and starting an application, is available here. To learn more about the Road to Zero Coalition, and to become a member for free, visit nsc.org/roadtozero.


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