In Canada’s labor-intensive industries, where long hours and high physical demands are commonplace, substance use—particularly opioids—is becoming a bigger danger. With Level Up, a cutting-edge digital platform created to assist health and safety experts in increasing awareness and providing vital resources to workers in trades, construction, forestry, and mining, Toronto-based organization Digital Public Square (DPS) is addressing this challenge.
How Level-Up Supports Workers
Level Up is an openly available online resource that gives employees access to recovery resources, harm reduction training, and information on opioids. A thorough directory of harm reduction options from all throughout Canada, including British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario, is its most notable feature. Because privacy is a top priority in the platform’s design, users can get assistance anonymously.
According to Argyropoulos, “We know this is a highly stigmatized topic.” “Level Up protects users from negative outcomes like losing their jobs or facing social criticism by enabling them to interact with information privately and anonymously.”
Level Up is simple to integrate into workplace safety programs for health and safety professionals. To assist organizations in incorporating the technology into employee onboarding and training, DPS provides toolkits. Level Up can stop problems before they get out of hand by spreading awareness and giving important information early.