Managing mental health and wellbeing at work should be part of the OSH role. That’s the opinion of nearly three-quarters of those who responded to IOSH’s member survey.
Meanwhile, nine out of ten respondents said the health and safety role is valued in their organisation, with 61 per cent saying it is “highly valued”.
These were among the key findings of the survey, which took place last year and had 7,015 responses.
Importance of the OSH role
IOSH President Stuart Hughes said the survey results clearly indicate the importance of OSH roles across the business landscape.
He said: “The mental health and wellbeing of staff is something many more businesses take seriously now, rightly so, and OSH professionals have a key role in supporting this. So, it’s encouraging to see that many of our members view it as a part of their role.
“OSH is about far more than just physical safety risks; it’s about managing risks to health, and this includes mental health and wellbeing. By effectively managing these risks, OSH professionals can support businesses to become more sustainable through reduced rates of staff absence and turnover, leading to higher productivity.”
Key findings of the survey included:
• 91 per cent believe IOSH builds excellence in the OSH profession
• 87 per cent say IOSH prioritises OSH standards around the world
• 77 per cent feel IOSH puts people at the heart of sustainability
• 74 per cent think IOSH offers good value for money
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