5 Top Food Safety Certifications For Food Safety Specialists

Top Food Safety Certifications

Are you thinking about the top food safety certifications to enroll in?

Are you planning to enroll for food safety certification?


Are you planning to develop a career in food safety?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, see all the information you need from the next paragraph.

What Is Food Safety?

Food safety is a scientific discipline describing how food can be handled, prepared, and stored in a way that prevents food-borne illness.

What Is Food Safety Certification?

Food safety certification is a third-party verification that certifies that food products, processes, and/or systems in the food supply chain meet accepted food safety standards.

Aside from the basic food safety certification/food handlers certification, there are other highly recognized food safety certifications.

Read Also: The HACCP System, principles, plan steps and training cost (HACCP Food Safety)

Here Are Some Top Food Safety Certifications Which Are Widely Recognized

Food Safety Certifications

1. British Retail Consortium (BRC):

This Global Standard specifies what is required by organizations as well as helps assure customers that products are safe, legal, and of high quality.

The range of BRC standards is aimed at various sectors within the food and consumer products supply chain and all of the standards incorporate senior management commitment, risk assessment, hazard analysis, quality management, and good manufacturing practices.

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This certification includes:

  1. BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
  2. BRC Global Standard for Storage and Distribution.
  3. BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials.
  4. BRC Global Standard for Agents and Brokers.

2. HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point:

HACCP is a Food Safety Management System standard that lays down the specifications and requirements of proper food safety management. These specifications and requirements have been developed by, and are placed under, the authority of the National Board of Experts – HACCP.

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3. ISO 22000 – Food Safety Management System:

ISO 22000 is an internationally recognized standard that combines the ISO 9001 approach to food safety management and HACCP for the assurance of food safety at all levels. The standard maps out how an organization can demonstrate its ability to control safety hazards to ensure that food is safe.

4. FSSC 22000 – Food Safety System Certification:

FSSC 22000 focuses on assuring food safety by defining, evaluating, and controlling risks and hazards during processing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling, or offering for sale or supply in any sector of the food chain.

The scheme is owned by the Foundation FSSC 22000 and is accredited. FSSC-registered certification bodies can provide third-party certification in the standard. The certification standard is also the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

5. PrimusGFS:

It is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked and fully recognized audit scheme covering both GAP and GMP scopes as well as food safety management systems (FSMS). This program offers certification to growing operations and minimally-process (fresh-cut) produce products.
PrimusGFS is owned and managed by Azzule Systems.

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In summary, if you want to be a food safety specialist you need to be trained.

Get the basic food safety/food handlers training and also the top food safety certifications.

My candid suggestion: If you are to pick a well-recognized food safety certification, start with HACCP.

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