What is the Life Expectancy of a Welder?

I came across this question – What is the life expectancy of a welder, I got so interested in it.


Welding is a beautiful profession and we have lots of people in that profession because they love it, some are there as a personal business while others are there because they find it lucrative.

But if it has been declared a deadly profession, does it mean people going into the profession for whatever reason have just signed their death warrant?

I went ahead to carry out literature research on the “Life Expectancy of a Welder“.

Here are my findings on the Life Expectancy of a Welder

Career Village platform

  • Myke’s Answer

    I agree with Thomas, unfortunately I didn’t follow that advice during my career. Safety and PPE is not always a company priority, but it should always be your priority. I worked in a couple sweat shops that professed safety was a priority, but the leads had cuts in the insulation and arced everywhere, there was not proper ventilation so we were breathing in welding smoke, grinding dust, and who knows what else. Also, they had policies saying anything over 50 or 70 pounds (depending on the shop) you were supposed to get help or use the overhead crane or forklift, but would start yelling if you went and asked somebody to help or were standing around waiting for somebody else to finish with the crane. Now my knees are bad, my back is bad, I had rotator cuff surgery and have trouble breathing. No job is worth your health. Take care of yourself, find a good shop that actually cares about safety and you will live a lot longer.
  • Thomas’s Answer

    Danny G, Depends on safety and PPE i am 50 years old i have been welding for 30 years and i love it.
  • Dave’s Answer

    I’m 60 and still going strong. I work with guys that are 68-70 years old still going. Be safe don’t hurry and wear the PPE. Follow the rules and be OSHA compliant. Teach the young.

Ncbi Research

The conclusion of the research reported this;

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Welders can be considered as a high risk group for cancer. Secondly the employment status has considerable affect on ILCR values in same conditions. Third, the daily work hour is the most influential parameter in cancer risk of welders. Our comparisons also showed that there is significant difference in cancer risk between asthmatic and healthy welders. Further studies need to be done to investigate the role of welding operation parameters, and other exposure modifying factors on cancer risk in welders.

Arc Welding Fabrication

Here, they talk about the life expectancy of underwater Welders;

While it is challenging to provide a specific life expectancy for underwater welders, it is clear that several factors can influence their longevity in this profession. Adherence to safety protocols, physical fitness, experience, and the work environment all play crucial roles in ensuring the well-being and longevity of these professionals.

Underwater welding can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it requires a commitment to safety, ongoing training, and a deep understanding of the risks involved. By prioritizing safety and taking the necessary precautions, underwater welders can maximize their life expectancy and continue to contribute to this specialized field.

Welding pros

They also talk about the life expectancy of Underwater Welders;

The Divers Association study observed 382 documented underwater welding casualties. However, only 251 of them reported the age of deceased divers.

With 98% of confidence, the study reports that the deceased divers were between ages 33 and 42. So while most of the underwater welders start their courses at the age of 20, they’ve most likely been working for 13-22 years which should be a guideline to life expectancy.

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These results show that the cause of death is not dependant on the experience but other factors as well. The two most essential variables that keep occurring include proper training and safety procedures provided by the company.


I saw this tweet on X with a heartbroken emoji –

Life Expectancy of a Welder

It is quite pathetic that some people believe that welders’ life expectancy is quite short because of the risk involved in the welding activity. The truth is that although welding is a high-risk job, the risk can always be delimited or mitigated to as low as reasonably practicable.


I will pick my conclusion from what the Arc Welding Fabrication platform stated, and I quote;

Underwater welding can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it requires a commitment to safety, ongoing training, and a deep understanding of the risks involved. By prioritizing safety and taking the necessary precautions, underwater welders can maximize their life expectancy and continue to contribute to this specialized field.

So there is no laid-down life expectancy for a Welder, follow the relevant safety precautions to maximize your life expectancy as a welder.

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