The Best Kitchen Fire Extinguisher For Your Kitchen

Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

A kitchen fire extinguisher can be an invaluable tool in any home that uses the kitchen on a regular basis. Kitchen fires are usually caused by grease or cooking oil catching fire, but they can also start from gas leaks and electrical malfunctions (though these are much less common).

When you use your kitchen, it’s important to make sure you’re using the proper techniques to maintain safety in order to prevent fire breakout. Having a Kitchen fire extinguisher serves as a contingency plan. Thankfully, even if you don’t know how to use a kitchen fire extinguisher properly, it’s easy to learn in a step-by-step guide.

What Is The Best Kitchen Fire Extinguisher?

Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

People have asked this question often; “Which type of Fire Extinguisher is suitable for me Kitchen”? The question could generate divers answer.

Take for instance, if fire starts in the kitchen and what is burning (The fuel) is your kitchen rag, kitchen stool or paper – Then normal class A fire extinguisher will do. This Class A fire extinguisher contains primarily water and sometimes contain other additives.

Also, there could be fire in the kitchen but what is burning is your electrical appliance; other times it could be your cooking oil. This is why I said that the question could generate divers answers.

However, in conclusion, since divers material could burn in the kitchen, it is recommended to use a type of fire extinguisher tagged “ABC”; i.e, it works for both class A, B or C fires. It is called Dry Chemical Powder. This type of fire extinguisher contains mono ammonium phosphate and potassium bicarbonate as its main ingredients.

Where To Mount Kitchen Fire Extinguisher?

Mounting your fire extinguisher should be in plain sight. This ensures everyone can see where it is in case of an emergency. It’s also important to note that kitchen fires are generally small, so you’ll need something small as well. Your kitchen fire extinguisher doesn’t need to weigh more than 15 pounds for it to be effective, though most models are less than half that weight.

A good location for mounting your kitchen fire extinguisher is on a wall near your stove or oven. You might also consider mounting one above or below cabinets near electrical outlets and other potential sources of heat. If you have a large family, or if your kitchen is particularly large, it may make sense to mount multiple fire extinguishers throughout your home.

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However, never place them near sinks or anywhere else they could get wet. The pressure required to use a fire extinguisher could cause water from a nearby sink to spray out with enough force to injure someone. Also keep in mind that children tend not to read directions, so try not to place your kitchen fire extinguisher within reach of little hands unless you know they won’t touch it.

You should also consider mounting your kitchen fire extinguisher on an angle instead of straight up and down if there is room for doing so; angling your fire extinguisher will make it easier for everyone in your home to see where it is and how to use it quickly.

I was once advised to mount my kitchen fire extinguisher outside my kitchen; while that may seem like a good idea in theory, it’s actually not. The best place for your kitchen fire extinguisher is inside your home. That way you can quickly grab it and use it if you ever need to. If you have an outdoor grill or smoker, consider mounting your kitchen fire extinguisher near that area as well.

How To Use Fire Extinguisher In The Kitchen?

If you’re like most people, you probably have one or two fire extinguishers stored in your home. If there’s a kitchen fire, experts recommend that you do not put it out with water (you don’t want to flood things and make matters worse). However, if your kitchen catches on fire, grab your kitchen fire extinguisher and follow these steps:

1. Make sure everyone is out of the kitchen and call your emergency number. The first thing you should do if there’s a fire in your kitchen is make sure everyone gets out of there safely, including pets and neighbors if possible. Call emergency number as soon as you can, too; they’ll want to know what kind of fire it is and where it started so they can send help quickly.

2. Pull out your fire extinguisher and follow instructions on how to use it properly. If you’re unsure about how to use your kitchen fire extinguisher, look for instructions in its packaging or on a sticker on its side; most models will have these instructions written in English (and possibly other languages). If you can’t find any information, call your local fire department and ask them what type of extinguisher you have and how it should be used.

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3. Pull out the safety Pin from the fire extinguisher

4. Aim at base of fire and squeeze trigger slowly. When you’re ready to use your kitchen fire extinguisher, aim it at base of fire (this is where it started) and squeeze its trigger slowly; do not release until you’ve emptied out all of its contents. If you have multiple extinguishers, repeat these steps until all fires are out.

5. Stay away from fire and keep your extinguisher handy. The most important thing you can do after putting out your kitchen fire is to stay away from it. Keep your extinguisher with you as long as you’re in that room; just because there’s no visible flame doesn’t mean there aren’t embers, or that another fire won’t start.

Do Kitchen Fire Extinguisher Expire?

Most extinguishers are only good for about five years. This means it’s important to check for expiration dates and replace your fire extinguishers before that time comes.

If you don’t know when it was last serviced, or if you have trouble accessing your fire extinguishers’ labels, look for signs of wear and damage. If there are holes in your fire extinguishers, or if its case is dented or warped, you should replace it. Keep in mind that your fire extinguishers need to be checked annually at a minimum—even if they’re kept where they won’t get exposed to extreme temperatures and weather elements.

To get maximum protection from your fire extinguishers, check them every month by performing a pressure test.

How Long Does A Kitchen Fire Extinguisher Last?

Kitchen fire extinguishers have an average service life of five years, depending on their usage. When you’re ready to replace your fire extinguisher, take note of its expiration date, and make sure it hasn’t expired or been used up. If it has, don’t use it; instead, contact your local fire department for disposal instructions.

A kitchen fire extinguisher should be replaced at least once every five years, but ideally twice, if it has been used. When your kitchen fire extinguisher is being replaced, re-educate yourself on how to use it properly and store it in an accessible location. Avoid throwing away any information that comes with your kitchen fire extinguisher; some might prove useful in case of an emergency.

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Why Fire Extinguisher Inspection Is Important?

In most countries, fire extinguishers are not mandated for use by homeowners. This is likely because many people find it challenging to learn how to use them properly and thus, do not view them as necessary in their homes. However, having an extinguisher on hand can make all of the difference in case of a kitchen fire or other emergency. As such, it’s important that homeowners regularly have their fire extinguishers inspected by qualified professionals and learn how to use them correctly before an emergency situation arises.

In my previous place on work there was a time we had a fire emergency in an office within the administrative block; and we had fire extinguishers installed at strategic point within the administrative block. We picked up the first fire extinguisher; it wasn’t working, picked the second; the same story, picked the third; the same story. It was quite frustrating. But this is what you get when you fail to inspect your fire extinguisher to ensure that they are in a workable condition.

So its very important that you inspect your fire extinguishers when due to keep them in a workable condition.

Can Fire Extinguisher Be Kept Outside?

A lot of people are confused with keeping fire extinguishers outside of their home. The truth is, they can be kept outside and actually should be. Keeping them inside your home means that you have to get out of your house before using them. But if you keep them outside, you can quickly deploy one in case there is an emergency. If you have a home fire extinguisher, it’s always best that you place it somewhere where there are no obstructions in case an emergency does happen.

It needs to be placed at least three feet away from anything flammable or combustible. You also need to make sure that it is easily accessible so you can grab it right away if necessary. You should never store your fire extinguisher in a garage or shed because these areas may contain gasoline or other flammable liquids which could cause a dangerous explosion when mixed with water from your fire extinguisher.

Your kitchen fire extinguisher should be placed in an area where you can easily grab it, such as above your stove or on one of your kitchen cabinets. If you have children or pets, you may want to put it somewhere more hidden so they don’t find it and accidentally start playing with it. When storing your fire extinguishers, make sure that there are no obstructions between yourself and them. Any objects that are in between will slow down how quickly you can access them if needed.