Improve Road Safety With Red-Light Cameras – At the junction of King Street and Queen/Church Street, which is also known as Highway 89 and Highway 27, in Cookstown, the Town of Innisfil has placed red-light cameras. The purpose of the program is to utilize an automatic enforcement tool at one of the busiest crossroads in Innisfil to enhance driving behavior and road safety. On December 8th, the cameras will go live.
“The activation of red-light cameras is aimed at using emerging technologies to help make our streets safer for all drivers and pedestrians,” says Mayor Lynn Dollin. “We’ll continue to work closely with our partners at South Simcoe Police Service to monitor the impact of this new tool to ensure it supports a multifaceted approach to tackling traffic-related concerns.”
After posting notice at the intersection for 10 days, the red-light cameras will be in operation around-the-clock.
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In addition to capturing vital information like the vehicle’s speed, the date, and the precise moment the car crossed the stop line, the automatic system takes pictures of any cars that enter the intersection after the traffic light turns red. A Provincial Offenses Officer reviews the data after it has been securely transmitted to a processing center, and if it is found to be valid, a ticket is issued to the registered plate holder.
Since related fines are of an administrative character, demerit points are not awarded. The money raised will go toward paying for processing fees and camera installation, among other program expenses.