How To Adjust Office Chair

How To Adjust Office Chair – Getting an ergonomic chair for your office is not enough, you should know how to how to adjust the office chair to suit the user and its purpose.

Remember as explained in one of our previous articles, “No single chair is suitable for everyone and every kind of job”. All chairs must be adjusted to suit the user and the kind of job.

How To Adjust Office Chair

When considering how to adjust office chair, there are areas of interest:

  • The height of the chair
  • The lumbar support and
  • The arm rest


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How To Adjust The Height Of The Chair

The height of the chair must be adjusted so that your elbows rest on the surface of the workstation or your computer keyboard at a 90-degree angle. Also, your knees should align with or rest slightly lower than your hips.

To do this;

  • If the seat is too high, remain seated, press the lever, and let go when the desired height is reached.

Arm rest adjustment

Adjust the height of the armrests so they are at elbow height with your shoulders, and your arms are at a 90-degree angle. If the armrests are too high, they force you to shrug; too low, and you slouch. If the arms slide in or out,, move them so they support whatever work you are doing.

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Adjust The Backrest Angle

The lever for adjusting the backrest angle is usually on the right, showing backward and forwards arrows. When working in an ergonomic workstation a fairly upright sitting posture is best. When talking, at meetings or reading off the screen reclining the backrest is relaxing and provides a nice change for the back. Adjust it appropriately for your comfort.

Adjust The Recline And Tilt Tension

Some chairs let you set the tension of the tilt, either in place of the recline angle or in tandem with it. Adjust the tension so you can lean back in the chair comfortably without using a lot of force, and make sure the chair doesn’t spring upright too strongly when you lean forward. If you can not lean back without forcibly pushing, loosen the tension. If you find yourself using your core to pull yourself out of the chair when it’s tilted back, tighten the tension.

Reclining in a chair is an important way to relieve loads on your spine while opening up your thigh-torso angle, so you should do it throughout the day.


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After knowing the key areas of your ergonomic office chair you should adjust, to actually understand how to adjust office chair, you need the chair user manual. This is because different chairs comes with different pattern of adjustment, and this can only be seen in its user manual.