Home safety tips highlight areas we should pay attention in our homes to avoid domestic accidents.
Accidents do not only happen on the roads and workplaces, accidents also happen at home. Some of the accidents that happen at home pose dire consequences, this is why we must ensure safety in our homes.
Sources Of Hazards In Our Homes
- Slippery surfaces: This can be seen in the rooms, lobby, bathrooms, stair cases, convenience, etc. Can cause trip and fall.
- Sharp surfaces: In our kitchen, we could be exposed to sharp surfaces like our knives, sink edges, etc.
- LPG: Liquefied Petroleum Gas used in the house poses risk of explosion, fire, etc.
- Fuels: Example, Petrol, kerosene could cause serious problems if not well stored, or safety measures are not adopted in their use. This could result to fire breakout and explosion.
- Electrical devices: Electrical devices used at home pose the risk of electric shock, electrocution, fire breakout, etc.
- Poisonous substances: Some substances used in homes could be poisonous for human consumption; like Izal, insecticides, insect powders, etc.
The above are few of the sources of hazards in our homes, which everyone at home should be protected from.
Read Also: 30 Important house fire prevention tips
This article will give “21 Important home safety tips” we can adopt in our homes to protect ourselves from the hazards we could be exposed to.
20 Home Safety Tips
- All slippery surfaces must be dried always, where this is not possible, signage should be placed to warn every other persons of the impending hazards.
- Keep dangerous materials out of reach of children
- Your LPG cylinders should be properly stored, preferably outside the kitchen.
- The LPG cylinders and the hose should be inspected and replaced when damage is suspected.
- If by any means the LPG is released into the air in the kitchen, the LPG cylinder should be shut off, doors and windows open for the gas to be expelled.
- Be careful when using/handling sharp objects like knives and other sharp surfaces to prevent cut.
- Ensure that generators are shut off before refueling.
- Electrical sockets and leads should not be allow to run along walk ways to prevent trip and fall.
- Electrical equipment should be properly insulated to prevent electric shock and electrocution.
- Electrical wiring and repairs should be done by competent persons.
- Never touch electrical facility with wet hand or when bare footed.
- Never leave naked flames unattended.
- Never overload your electrical extension sockets
- Ensure that a workable fire extinguisher is install in your home and persons trained on how to use them.
- Do not share sharp objects
- Maintain good personal hygiene
- Maintain good hand hygiene
- Avoid self medication as much as possible
- Keep the environment clean and tidy; do no create room for water log.
- If you are living with pets, ensure they are treated as at when due.
- Do not fix your eyes too long on the television or computer screen. Do not also stay too close to the television screen.
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