How to Write a Good Health and Safety Policy

Health And Safety Policy

The Health and Safety policy is a well-structured and organized document that highlights the organization’s stands on Health and Safety (HSE). HSE policy is indispensable for every organization that has the foresight to achieve a good health and safety identity. HSE policy is for all organizations; construction companies, oil and gas companies, mining companies, textile, manufacturing, agricultural, educational institutions (Schools), ICT, power, etc.

HSE policy is a well-structured document. It is made up of three (3) parts; the general statement of intent, organization, and arrangement (rules/procedures).

Some people mistake the Health and Safety policy to be just the statement of intent. That is why some people call it Health and Safety policy and procedures. This is a wrong understanding, as the Health and Safety policy covers all areas of the policy.

Who needs the Health and Safety Policy?

As earlier stated, the Health and Safety policy is for every organization that desires to achieve the best in business.  Remember: Health and Safety may not make money for you, but it will save money for you. Adoption of a good Health and Safety structure which begins with a good health and safety policy is a starting point for every successful business.

 Is HSE policy for employees alone?

 A health and safety policy is a legal document that is for all members of the organization. Ranging from top/senior management to the least workers, since the achievement of the Health and Safety objectives is a collective responsibility.

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Parts of the H&S Policy

1. Statement of intent:

The HSE statement of intent or policy statement is a general statement that addresses the organization’s stands on Health and Safety. It aims to introduce anyone who comes in contact with the HSE policy to the position of the organization with regard to Health and Safety. The statement of intent should be written in simple and comprehensive language for proper understanding. It should be properly dated and signed by the most senior personality in the organization. Without an appropriate signature and date, the document is not considered valid.

2.  Organising:

  • This part of the Health and Safety policy tends to allot responsibilities to persons and groups within the organization; it also helps establish a line of communication within the organization. These individuals/groups include the directors, managers, supervisors, HSE specialists, and other specialists within the organization.

 3. Arrangement (Rules and Procedures):

This is the last part of the HSE policy. This area accommodates measures that could be adopted to achieve the Health and Safety objectives. Some of these measures could include Induction for new staff/Contractors, Staff training, Accident/Incident investigation and reporting module, Risk assessment/JSA requirement/Permit to work procedures, Emergency management plan, Substance abuse policy, etc. All these rules and procedures tighten the Health and Safety system which will help in achieving the Health and Safety objectives.

 The HSE policy will just be a document on paper if it is not communicated. Hence, after writing a good health and safety policy, it must be communicated to all employees.

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