Health and Safety Laws Affecting Education

Health and Safety Laws Affecting Education

These days health and safety in education are at the highest level possible. We can see that the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 has a huge role in all of this. Today we are going to explain the act we have just mentioned and also all the health and safety laws that are commonly used in education and have been of huge importance.

Health And Safety Laws Affecting Education

Health and Safety Laws Affecting Education – Key Areas

1. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the main thing that makes health and safety in schools at the highest level possible. In general, you are protected and safe. Students understand the need to learn how to write a good assignment in a few minutes and get the grade they want. Some students prefer to pay someone to do student’s assignments because of the hectic nature of their studies; this is a way of managing stress which is also stipulated in the Health and Safety At Work Act.

The act we have mentioned is the law that all schools must follow. It generates duties that employers have towards members of the public and employees. But it also defines duties employees have between one another and duties self-employed have towards other people.

2. Responsibilities School Have

In a nutshell, schools have a massive level of responsibility. They must make sure that pupils are safe while at school. Yes, teachers can take them on short trips but they need to make sure pupils are safe even more then. The running of this task is on the headteacher and usually the school management team. The team size will depend on the size of the school and the number of pupils. Every teacher will have his role.

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Each school will have to appoint a person who will take care of children and make sure they are always safe and healthy. This is done after a lot of research and it will need proper skills. In addition, knowledge and as you can deduce experience is mandatory as well. This is something that is mandatory at each faculty and you can notice the job of these teachers at your university. After all, when you graduate the job becomes much easier.

During the pandemic, the government had a huge role in safety that is present in schools. 

Health And Safety Laws Affecting Education

3. Health and Safety Elements

All of this starts with planning. The leadership of the school will plan and conduct the plan needed to make the school safe and always protect the health of the pupils. Then, the leadership will have to conduct and follow the plan to make sure students get what the plan suggests!

The next step here is to check and control the entire school. Health and safety in schools legislation is complicated and time-consuming. As you can assume, this is a different part of education. Checking includes the monitoring process. The last step here is acting. There is a proper review of the whole plan which should test the plan and see are some improvements needed. 

4. Managing and Assessing Risks

This is a huge part of the law and the whole process. In general, assessing the risk will involve detecting any hazards, how people can harm pupils, and what must be done to control and stop the risk that is present.

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Keep in mind that the assessment will include the potential risk that can come from staff, pupils, visitors, and also contractors that have a job within the school or have a task to complete during school hours. This will affect the whole campus and even your tutor. The term paper you may have to write can be even based on the overall complexity. Students must be safe and protected while in class, in the library, or outside the school. This is of huge importance.


All we can say here is that safety in schools has a huge role and this is a big deal. The whole purpose of the law and the leadership is to protect the pupils at all times and make sure they feel safe at school and that there are no risks they have to worry about. Who is responsible for health and safety in schools? We can deduce that in the law, the school itself and the government all care about pupils.

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