Health and Safety Expert Caught Drink-Driving After Tip-off to Police

Health and Safety Expert Caught Drink-Driving After Tip-off to Police

After being found driving under the influence, a health and safety expert lost his license. Around 4.30 p.m. on Sunday, December 8, Leicestershire Police received a tip from a member of the public.

Officers were informed that Eamonn McMenamin had driven off in his BMW M4 after drinking in Leicester. When police arrived, they discovered McMenamin trapped in traffic on the city’s Upperton Road.

He failed a breathalyzer test and was arrested and taken to a police station. At the station, he gave a reading of 55 microgrammes of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

McMenamin, 56, of Cowslip Lane, Coalville, is represented by Andrew Bolc, who stated that his client had been driving for 35 years without receiving a penalty point or a driving conviction. “It appears that he miscalculated his body’s capacity to metabolize alcohol,” Mr. Bolc stated. He has been working for himself for 20 years as a health and safety consultant.

Mr Bolc said McMenamin had to visit 30 clients around the county regularly and drive about 15,000 miles each year. He said: “He will have to take on an employee to drive him, at considerable expense.”

Mr Bolc told the court that a driving ban would cause problems for McMenamin helping out with his children, who live eight miles away from him with their mother, and make it harder to assist his elderly parents, who have mobility problems.

McMenamin was banned from driving for 12 months and also fined £600. He will also have to pay £85 court costs and a £240 victim surcharge.