The ‘Safety Innovation Policy’ was introduced by Daewoo E&C on the 16th to create a corporate culture that places a high priority on safety.
Beginning this year, the “Safety Innovation Policy” seeks to strengthen budget and cost standards across all workplaces, foster a culture that places a high priority on safety, and increase support and training for partner organizations’ health and safety initiatives.
Upgrades to Daewoo E&C’s mobile-based safety management tool, ‘SMARTy,’ have improved its usability. The company has made it essential for field supervisors to record inspection results in SMARTy and for all field personnel to attend the pre-work safety briefing (TBM), which must also be recorded in SMARTy. To make work stoppage requests easier, SMARTy has also greatly streamlined the entry fields for workers’ work stoppage systems.
A safety and health communication meeting will also be convened with the CEO and the Chief Safety Officer (CSO) to address safety-related issues and discuss the Safety Innovation Policy’s implementation status at workplaces. The usage of virtual reality (VR) training tools will also be encouraged to improve field members’ safety and health education.
Additionally, support for partner companies’ health and safety initiatives will be improved. The expansion of education support for joint ventures and partner companies will include the creation of job training programs for safety and health managers who work alongside partner company field supervisors. More careful safety management at work sites will result from partner companies’ increasing assistance for labor costs for committed safety specialists.
Additionally, the budgetary guidelines for enhancing workplace health and safety initiatives have been refined. To make sure they are run by site conditions, supplementary safety budgets will be expanded in addition to the legally required industrial safety and health management costs. The rules for setting up and running safety monitoring teams have also been improved, as have the requirements for allocating safety funds to small-scale construction projects with budgets under 80 billion won.