The Fearsome Hidden Cost Of Accidents

Hidden Cost Of Accidents

It is said, “If you think safety is too expensive, try an accident”. This is why we will be considering “Hidden Cost Of Accidents In This Article”.

Accident is not part of the puzzle when we say experience is the best teacher. As far as accident is concerned; experience is the worst teacher.

The Cost Of Accidents:

What makes an accident more fearsome is that its consequences are always unpredictable. For instance; someone falls from a height of about 8 meters and has just a fractured toe, whereas someone else falls from about 5 meters height and breaks his neck.

So, you can agree with me that the consequence of an accident is unpredictable.

The cost of accidents is one thing most of our employers still fail to understand. They tend to be more comfortable with the direct cost of accidents because that is the only side they see. They believe that insurance will cover it.

But the main trouble of the accident is the hidden cost.

Let me explain what the hidden cost of accidents means to you as an employer and to your business:

Hidden Cost Of Accidents

The hidden costs of accidents are indirect, invisible costs, uninsured costs, and non-quantifiable costs. The direct cost of an accident is seen as the tip of the iceberg when compared to the hidden cost of an accident. Some assessment believes that for every $1 direct cost of an accident, there is a $3 hidden cost attached.

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Let me  pause here to give you a highlight of the indirect cost of accidents:

  • Time lost from work by injured employee(s)
  • Loss of earning power
  • Loss of production
  • Spoilage – fire, water, chemicals, explosives, etc.
  • Failure to fill orders
  • Economic loss to injured worker’s family
  • Lost time by fellow employees
  • Loss of efficiency due to break-up of crew
  • Lost time by supervision
  • Damage to tools, equipment, and other property
  • Time lost for replacing damaged equipment
  • Spoiled work
  • Overhead cost (while work was disrupted)
  • Cost of training a new worker
  • Workers’ compensation premium

To employers: Accidents are too costly to be taken lightly, do not depend on your insurance package. Your insurance does not cover up to 50% of the total cost of the accident.

So when talking about accidents; Prevention is better and cheaper than cure.

Safety Tips To Prevent Accidents

  • Never relegate safety to the background
  • Do not practice safety just to fulfill all righteousness
  • Do not practice safety of convenience
  • Work with your Health and Safety personnel to proffer timely solutions to health and safety issues
  • Live by example
  • Show commitment from the top

Safety is too important to be treated carelessly; BE WISE.

External Reference

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