Confine Space Rescue Plan: Tips to Consider

Confine Space Rescue Plan

Confine space rescue is always necessary in case something goes wrong as work progresses inside the confined space; the procedure to be adopted in this rescue forms the Confine Space Rescue Plan.

What is a Confined Space

OSHA qualifies a space as a confined space if it has the following characteristics:

  • Has restricted access and egress
  • Not meant for continuous occupancy
  • If the space is large enough and so configured an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work.

In general terms, a confined space is a fully or partially enclosed space that is not primarily designed or intended for continuous human occupancy, has limited or restricted entrance or exit, and can represent a risk to the health and safety of anyone who enters.

Risk in the Confined Space

Working inside a confined space is rated as a high-risk task requiring a well-planned safe system of work. Aside from other measures taken to ensure the safe completion of the job inside the confined space training, gas testing, risk assessment, workers’ health assessment, etc – an emergency plan should be in place in case something goes wrong and the entrant needs evacuation.

Confine Space Rescue Plan – Tips to Follow

The act of retrieving an entrant from the confined space is what we call “Confine Space Rescue”.

Some things that should be considered when planning for confined space rescue are:

  • Communication: There should be constant communication between the rescuing team inside the confined space and with people outside.
  • Capability of rescuer: The rescuers should be capable of carrying out the rescue both physically and in skill.
  • First aid measures/CPR: First aiders should be on standby to render first aid/CPR to the victim.
  • Fire safety procedures: Fire safety procedures should be in place in case of a fire incident.
  • Emergency services: Emergency services should also be on standby to support the internal rescue team.
READ ALSO  OSHA Confined Space Air Monitoring Requirements

Confine space rescue should be well-arranged, planned, and practiced. Confine space rescue is time-dependent, so it needs to be done as fast as possible in order not to lose the worker trapped inside.

Watch rescue video

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