CDC Director Recommends Masking Up This Holiday Season

CDC Director Recommends Masking Up This Holiday Season

CDC Director Recommends Masking Up This Holiday Season – COVID, the flu, and RSV are all making a comeback for the holidays.

A map from the CDC shows New Mexico is at the top of the “high” category for flu activity, just below Louisiana and South Carolina.

“In the winter, people come inside,” said Miranda Durham, chief medical officer with the New Mexico Department of Health. “Over the holidays, there’s more gatherings, but these viruses, flu, and RSV, have those winter patterns, they just seem to spread more easily in the winter.”

Durham says New Mexico’s COVID-19 levels are elevated, but steady.

“We are definitely seeing an uptick in respiratory viruses as a whole, and mostly the recent uptick we’re seeing is in RSV and the flu,” Durham said.

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So what does that mean for you and your family this holiday season? Durham says if you plan to get with family and friends, prepare beforehand.

You can get vaccinated against COVID, the flu, and RSV.

“It’s so easy to get caught up in the Christmas rush, your long to-do list, put this on the to-do list and get it done,” Durham said.

She also recommended masking up.

“You really want to stay healthy for the holidays – it’s worth wearing the mask for a few hours,” Durham said.

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