Alba Receives RoSPA Life President Award

HSEWatch Info Update

Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba) received the prestigious Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Life President Award for its commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment as well as setting global benchmarks in safety and health.

The award was presented to Ali Al Baqali, Alba CEO, by Lord Jordan of Bournville, RoSPA’s Life President, and Rebecca Hickman, CEO of RoSPA Life.

“This coveted award is a testament to the unwavering dedication and commitment of every single Albawee,” Al Baqali said. “We are not just building a safer workplace; we are building a culture of safety that prioritizes the well-being of our people.”

“This prestigious recognition coincides with Alba achieving a major milestone: 30 million safe working hours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI) – a powerful testament to the Company’s relentless pursuit of a zero-accident workplace.”

RoSPA’s Life President, said: “It is a great privilege to present RoSPA’s Life Presidents Award to Alba, a Company where safety is paramount. Alba achieved 30 million safe working hours for its workforce. Only exceptional leadership, hard work, and inspiration could achieve such a remarkable outcome, and the inspiration comes from Alba’s CEO, Ali Al Baqali.”

Alba’s ongoing focus on health and safety has earned the Company 11 consecutive RoSPA Gold Awards. Over the past seven years, Alba has achieved a significant reduction in injuries, registering an 87.5% decrease, underscoring its dedication to safeguarding its workforce.

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