13 Health and Safety Activities in the Workplace

Health and Safety Activities in the Workplace

Since Health and Safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility, it is needful to engage everyone to enhance safety in the workplace.

One of the way of engaging everyone in the workplace is through Health and Safety Activities in the Workplace. In this article, we will highlight some Health and Safety activities in the workplace that can be used to foster Health and Safety in the workplace.

Without wasting time, lets delve into it.

Health and Safety Activities in the Workplace

We will start with some activities mentioned by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration):

Management Leadership Challenges

This activities includes:

1. Take 3 in 30 Challenge:

Here’s how you do it:

  • Take 3 actions in 30 days

    There are lots of ways to accelerate your program!

    Choose from our list or pick one of your own. Every workplace is different so select actions that work best for you.

  • Share in your workplace

    It is important for your employees to see your commitment to safety!

    Show them that safety starts with you! List your three actions and share it on social media, in your company newsletter, or post it in the workplace.

  • Accept your challenge coin

    You did it! Come back here when you complete your activities to download your virtual challenge coin for showing Management Leadership. Share it on social media, post it in your workplace, or put it in your signature file – display it proudly!


2. Lead With Safety Challenge

Managers we challenge you to show how you Lead with Safety. Identify a safety or health issue in your workplace and take steps to address it today to earn your challenge coin.


3. Champion Safety Challenge

We challenge employers, managers, and supervisors to recognize safety champions! Recognizing workers’ safety efforts not only demonstrates how highly you regard workplace safety, but also increases safety awareness and reinforces safe work practices. Use the certificate template to display the importance of safety champions in your workplace. Complete the champion safety challenge to recognize the safety champions in your workplace and earn your challenge coin.


Worker Participation Challenges

List of Activities

4. All in on Safety Challenge

Here’s how you do it:

  • Identify a workplace safety activity that helps build a more diverse and accepting workplace.

    Advance workplace safety and health by involving your workers in a significant way.

    Choose from our list or pick one of your own. Every workplace is different so select actions that work best for you.

  • Recognize workers who participate.

    It is important for your workers to see that their participation makes a difference.

    Give workers who participate a certificate, personalized appreciation card, or other types of recognition that is meaningful in your workplace.

  • Download your challenge coin

    Come back here when you complete your activities to download your virtual challenge coin for engaging your workforce. Share it on social media, post it in your workplace, or put it in your signature file – so show that you are #AllInOnSafety!


5. Speak Up for Safety Challenge

Safety reports contain the information you need to improve workplace safety and health. Use worker participation in this Speak Up for Safety Challenge to review your safety reports with a team. You will learn from each other, discover safety and health opportunities, and earn your challenge coin.


6. Check on Safety Challenge

Finding and fixing hazards is a core element of a workplace safety and health program. This can help you move your business forward to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses.

Start building your approach by taking this Check on Safety Challenge. Do this activity and earn your challenge coin!


7. Eyes on Safety Challenge

Workplace inspections are an important tool for identifying hazards and resolving them. Whether you inspect your workplace on a regular basis or are just getting your workplace safety and health program started, conduct a safety walkaround to show how you have Eyes on Safety today to earn your challenge coin.

Share the results in your workplace or on social media to show how you have #EyesOnSafety and are #SafeAndSoundAtWork.


8. Halt a Hazard Challenge

Workplace hazards can emerge over time. Setting aside time to regularly identify and rank safeguards can help keep safety and health hazards under control and keep workers safe. This challenge will help you identify a hazard to control. Download your challenge coin and encourage others to #HaltAHazard and be #SafeAndSoundAtWork.


Other Health and Safety Activities in the Workplace

9. Safety Charades Game

How it is played:

Divide the players into even-numbered teams, record the game’s maneuvers in writing. One player from each side is in charge of drawing a piece of paper at random, much like in a conventional game of charades. Safety-related keywords are selected, including emergency escape, first aid kit, muster point, confined space. To win the game, you must then correctly interpret what’s on the paper.

10. The safety treasure hunt

How it is played:

Selecting a fictitious safety scenario—like a floor fire—that might happen at work is the object of the game. Encouraging teams to adhere to the safety protocols outlined in the training handbook is the goal. This game will assess their understanding of safety protocols and their capacity to implement them in an emergency.

To accomplish this, form multiple groups, each of which will receive the first clue and search for the next. The winning squad will be the one that can quickly absorb the assignments and escape a dangerous circumstance.

11. Safety Trivia

How it is played:

It is meant to encourage staff members to read and comprehend specific sections of the workplace safety guideline. It is akin to a quiz night. Employees can take the quiz in groups or individually. The game’s simple rules state that the player with the most points wins prizes. One can establish a time limit.

You can assess each department’s advantages and disadvantages by playing this game. This enhances the instruction on safety. Every employee’s development ought to be assessed at the conclusion of the review term.

Fun exercises have numerous advantages, but they can have disadvantages. They might not engage or interest a lot of personnel, to start. Second, games might not teach the intended information. They must, in fact, be thoughtfully created to be instructive.

12. Safety Bingo

How it is played

Each team/player must answer the question as the ball number is shown on screen. The first team/player to have a line of correct answers or full house wins!

Safety Bingo will be sure to bring some healthy competition into your training room. This game is ideal for safety awareness days or adding it as part of your training sessions.

You can populate the game with our themed questions or use any of your own. You can add your own questions in the games admin system.

13. Safety Anagrams

You could take well-known safety slogans and jumble up the words into anagrams, which your employees have to decipher.

Here are some examples:

  • Tysaef si on denactci – Safety is no accident
  • Tsand pu rof fesayt – Stand up for safety
  • Nuacoit, drea neth eecdrop – Caution, read then proceed

You can come up with your own anagrams depending on the slogans you use for your business.


Health and Safety activities in the workplace is important to foster engagement and promote safety appreciation in the workplace. It is recommended that every workplace should integrate safety activities into their program as it has enormous benefits.

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